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Mrs. Tracy Knapke

A message from Mrs. Knapke

Teacher Message


I have experience in teaching K, 1st , 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. My personal goal is to get every child hooked on reading. Encourage your child to talk to you about their favorite authors, or tell about the story they are currently reading. If your child comes to an unknown word when reading ask them to reread the sentences around the word and use the context of the story to make meaning. Happy Reading! 

Any questions or concerns email me, or call the school. The best way to communicate with me is to write a note in their assignment book. 

Thanks, Mrs. Knapke
Phone: 937-548-3185 ext. 3230

Specials Schedule

Mondays- P.E. @3:00 – 3:40

Tuesdays- Art @3:00 – 3:40 

Wednesdays- Library @3:00 – 3:40

                       *Lifewise option

Thursdays- Music @3:00 – 3:40 

Fridays- Tech @3:00 – 3:40 

Lunch & Recess @11:54 

ends @12:29

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