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Greenville Schools Foundation

What is the Greenville Schools Foundation Fund?
    The Greenville Schools Foundation is a special fund, separate from public funds or other scholarship funds, used to support programs which assist and encourage the achievement of the highest standards of education of the young people within the Greenville school district.
     Funds available to local schools will never be adequate to finance the many significant educational opportunities that are available.  The Foundation Fund champions a means of supporting some of these special opportunities.

What will my Gift Do?
    Your gift to Greenville Schools Foundation Fund is an investment in the young people and the future of our community.  The gift will promote excellence and provide additional opportunities to our young people.

What is the Goal of Greenville Schools Foundation Fund?
To promote the programs and activities of Greenville Schools through donations and gifts in support of the following categories:

  •  Academic Excellence
    To promote student academic achievement and financial assistance.
  • Fine and the Performing Arts
    To promote student excellence in music, dance, the performing arts and fine arts.
  • General
    To promote general enrichment programs, activities and athletics.
  • Alumni Association
    To promote the development of and the communication with/within an alumni association.
  • Long-Range Planning
    To develop and implement a long-range plan and to insure the growth and success of the Foundation.
  • Fundraising
    To determine various methods of fundraising and to authorize appropriate programs.
  • Management of Assets
    To oversee the prudent management of all Foundation assets.

500 Club Raffle

Foundation to again hold 500 Club Raffle

The foundation has awarded well over $54,000 to Greenville school leaders in the last five years making a huge impact in available programs for students of all ages.  Your $10.00 ticket contribution helps make this possible.   

From September 2024 until May 2025 there are 27 chances to win $50.00, $20.00 or $10.00 – all for a $10.00 ticket! Drawings are held once per month and no more than 500 tickets are sold. See a director or call 548-1530 to purchase your tickets.


Joel Allread

Daniel Edwards
Vice Chair

Mark Libert
Ex Officio

Susan Barker

Karin Barga 
Loretta Etzell
Jody Lockhart
Kathy Lockhart
Susan Shields
Jim Sommer
Carla Surber

Douglas Fries
Supt., Ex Officio 

Governance of the Foundation
The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors composed of representatives of the Community.  Ex-officio-nonvoting members include Superintendent and representatives from the Board of Education.  Annual Reports will be made available to donors upon request.

The Wave Way
A Commemorative Brick Plaza at Greenville High School

Individual or families can contribute to the Greenville Schools Foundation Fund through the commemorative plaza.  The imprinted bricks will be a part of Greenville history for generations to come.

Greenville Schools Foundation investment in our Greatest Resource

The mission of the Greenville Schools Foundation is to provide funds to students, alumni, faculty and employees of Greenville City Schools for the creation of, or participation in, enrichment programs not available through other means.

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