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Special Education

Special Services Department

The Special Services Department for Greenville City Schools supports and enhances the educational goals of our students. Efforts are made to assure compliance with state and federal regulations in offering assistance to our students. 
The Special Services Department:
•Provides ESL
•Provides school psychologists
•Provides speech and language assessments
•Coordinates Child Find for the Greenville community

•Coordinates special services with regional providers

School Psychological Services

School psychological services support families, school, and the community in meeting the academic and mental health needs of students.


The school psychologists:


  • Consult with parents, teachers, and other professionals to promote student well being and achievement.
  • Develop special prevention and intervention programs for students.
  • Advocate sound educational practices for all students.
  • Provide formal assessments of a child's abilities, learning styles, emotional development, and social skills.

English as Second Language (ESL)

Supports are available for students in grades K-12 who have a language other than English as their primary or home language and who are not yet English language proficient. The program provides assessment, interventions, and monitoring services. It is designed in accordance with mandated state policies and procedures.

Home Instruction Support

Home instruction is a special education service provided for students who cannot attend school due to significant physical or mental health reasons. Services are determined on an individual basis. Home instruction is generally provided in a neutral setting (e.g., public library) or sometimes in the child's home.


Home instruction is designed to assist students so that they do not fall behind in classes. It is a temporary service and is not designed to replace classroom instruction.

Child Find

The Greenville City School District is required to locate all children, who may have disabilities, ages birth through 21, who reside within its boundaries. Special education services are available in our schools for any child identified with a disability ages 3 through 21. If you have a child or know of a child you suspect may have a disability under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and who reside in Greenville, please call the Director of Special Services at 937-548-3185, ext. 1307 or contact your building principal.

Federal Funds Notice

Greenville City Schools has received notification of their entitlement of federal funds for the school year allocated in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act, IDEA Part B, Public Law. Utilization of these funds is designated to serve children with disabilities.  Persons who wish to comment on how to utilize these designated funds should submit their written suggestions to the Director of Special Services, Greenville City Schools, 215 W. Fourth St., Greenville, OH 45331.


Rhonda Schaar
Director of Special Services
100 Green Wave Way

Greenville, OH 45331

937-548-3185, ext. 1307

Mary Lee Moore
Administrative Assistant
100 Green Wave Way

Greenville, OH 45331

937-548-3185, ext. 1300
Kitty Davis
School Psychologist
1111 N. Ohio Street
Greenville, Ohio 45331
937-548-3185, ext. 2014

Stephanie Warrick
School Psychologist

100 Green Wave Way

Greenville, OH 45331

937-548-3185, ext. 1007 or 3013
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