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Mrs.Gina Rollins

Mrs. Rollins' Second Grade


Hello! Thanks for stopping by my classroom webpage! On here, you will find our weekly newsletters, important dates to remember, and other helpful resources. You will also be able to see some of the awesome things we are doing in second grade. My contact information is also listed, so please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns! 

Each week, students are required to do the following: 
  1. Read for 10-20 minutes each night. Students have high frequency flash cards, guided reading books, and decodable passages in their reading bags.
  2. Complete their Spelling Menu using their red words and concept words. Students must choose any 3 activities from the menu and complete the activity with all of their words. These activities, along with the menu are due on Friday each week. Spelling Menu.pdf 
  3. Practice math facts. Students will receive a math facts homework page at the beginning of each week that is due every Friday.

contact me
Phone: (937) 548-3185
Class Dojo (see link below)
Mondays: P.E. with Mrs. Copeland (wear gym shoes!)
Tuesdays: Library with Mrs. Anguiano
Wednesdays: Music with Mrs. Bowers
Thursdays: Art with Mrs. Ervin
Fridays: P.E. (Q1)
              Library (Q2)
              Music (Q3)
              Art (Q4)

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