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Instrumental Music

GHS Instrumental Music Program Welcomes You

Music is a critical part of our education at Greenville City Schools. Participation in the Instrumental Music Program helps us build skills that will last a lifetime. Our bands spend hours preparing to perform many times throughout the community all year.  We are very excited about this year and particularly proud of the dedicated group of musicians that we have! 
The GHS Instrumental Music Program provides many instrumental musical opportunities for students:
  • Marching Band / Wind Ensemble
  • Fall Band / Symphonic Band
  • Philharmonic Orchestra
  • Chamber Orchestra
  • Jazz Scene
  • Wavettes (color guard team)

We would be excited to speak with students and families about their potential in our Instrumental Music program.  Contact one of our Directors today.

Dacoda Kaczmarek
High School Band Director

 JR Price
High School Orchesta Director
Jazz Band Director
[email protected] 

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