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Assessment & Evaluation

Measures of Academic Progress Testing
What are MAP scores? 

MAP tests are computerized tests that adapt to your child’s level of learning. Each test is uniquely created for your child as he or she proceeds through the test. As a result, each student has the same opportunity to succeed and maintain a positive attitude toward testing. With MAP tests, we can administer shorter tests and use less class time while still receiving detailed, accurate information about your child’s growth. Each test, consisting of 42 questions for reading or 52 questions for math) takes about an hour.

The scores are reported on a scale called the RIT scale. RIT stands for Rasch UnIT, a measurement scale developed to simplify the interpretation of test scores. This scale is used to measure student achievement and student growth. The scale is an equal-interval scale, like a yardstick in inches, so that a change of one unit indicates the same change in growth, regardless of the actual numerical values. RIT scores range from about 150 to 300. RIT scores make it possible to follow a student’s educational growth from year to year.

A Lexile is a unit for measuring text difficulty and reader comprehension. Lexile measures are based on predictors of how difficult a text is to comprehend. Matching a student’s Lexile score range to the Lexile rating of specific texts makes it possible to select reading material that will be appropriately challenging. Books with Lexile ratings at the lower end of a student’s Lexile range are suitable for independent reading. Texts in the upper part of a student’s Lexile range are better suited for instructional reading. For more information about Lexiles, see the Lexile website at: .

The following tables provide a guideline for interpreting RIT scores. A mean score is an average score. As an example, when compared to the scores of the roughly 75,000 students in the comparison , or norming group, a third grader with a RIT reading score of 189 would have the same skills as the students whose scores fall in the middle of the overall range. The median, or middle score, for MAP tests is the same, or nearly the same, as the mean score. This implies that about half of the students in the norming group have a score that is higher than the mean score and about half of the students would have a lower score.

Standard Deviation refers to the extent to which scores vary from the mean. About 68% of all scores will fall in the range between one standard deviation above the mean and one standard deviation below the mean. As an example, for third grade, the standard deviation is about 16 and the mean is about 189. In the comparison group, about 68% of all third graders’ scores will be in the range of 189 ± 16 or between 173 – 205.


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