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Attention Car Riders


This important letter is to inform our families and friends of changes to our parent drop-off and pick-up (car riders) procedures at Woodland Primary.


 Our goal is to create the safest environment for everyone during the pick-up and drop-off times. Throughout last year, complaints were made to the Darke County Sheriff’s Office regarding the traffic flow problem at Woodland Primary during the student drop-off and pick-up times.


As a result, the Sheriff’s Office began working with Greenville City Schools to find a solution to the traffic back up issue on Children’s Home-Bradford Road and State Route 118. After many hours of observation and discussion with the school district administration, the following determination was made.


The Darke County Sheriff’s Office has informed us that cars will no longer be permitted to line-up on Children’s Home-Bradford Road due to traffic safety issues. We ask that you please follow the procedure set in place as the Sheriff’s Office could issue citations for parking on the roadway.


Additionally, school district personnel will no longer be coming to your cars and escorting students to and from the building during the drop-off and pick-up times. The Children’s Home-Bradford Road (south of building) parking lot will be designated for parent parking only. We have created another parking lot for staff members on the north end of the building to give parents more space for parking. You will have to park your car and escort your child to the gate where a staff member will meet you. When picking up your child, you will need to meet them at the designated gate with a photo ID. If there are no parking spots, you will need to circle outside the school parking lot until a spot becomes available.




Actual Letter in PDF format