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Use of Bus Passes

Use of Bus Passes

Requests in writing for non-regular bus service (bus pass) for students in grades needing to go home with another student who is normally bused should ONLY be made if no other form of transportation can be obtained.
Such request are to be made directly to the building principal, his/her assistant, or building secretary and must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. You must have the bus number and the location of the closest established bus stop as where the student will be dropped off. Approval is subject to available seating and at the schools discretion.
Requests for more than one student to go home with the same student for parties, sleepovers, etc. will not be approved.
Play dates or hanging out with friends will not be approved.
Bus pick up at a regular stop will be permitted providing the student has a note, dated and signed by the parent or legal guardian.
Requests by phone for a transportation change for non-regular bus service (daily bus pass) will ONLY be considered in emergency situations and will be at the school’s discretion and is subject to available seating. 

A phone call must be made to the school and must be from the parent or legal guardian requesting emergency bus service and the nature of the emergency. At the time of the call, proof off identification must be provided. Parent or guardian must have necessary information from the transportation department as to what bus number the student will need to ride as well as the location of the bus stop. This should be obtained by first calling the transporation department at 548-3185 option 7.

Requests by phone will be denied for non-emergency daily bus service for; play dates, parties, staying overnight with friends, school projects, etc. These events should be dealt with in advance and students are best served to use their regular daily bus service with parents providing transportation later in the day.
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